What would it cost...

What would it cost to survey a large amount of undeveloped acreage with infra-red that would detect anything of significant size that was alive? what UAV would be most cost effective and what would the out of pocket cost be? The area might be heavily treed. If you have any idea what would be needed and what it would cost I would greatly appreciate it. I assume over time the cost goes down and technology gets better. 


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  • http://www.cloudcaptech.com/gimbal_tase150.shtm

    something around 5000-10000$


  • This is not widely practised at present due to the cost of FLIR cameras and the risk involved. Not many operators would put a $5000 camera on a UAV. Then there is the issue with the resolution - very low resolution means low altitude flying to make out any detail, adding to the risk. So I'm not surprised there is not much info out there on this sort of survey.

    Incidentally I was asked if I could offer this service by a game farmer, but for the reasons above did not think it viable.

  • Moderator

    An absolute fortune if you want to look through foliage. There is a sweet spot for aerial survey below a certain size UAS make sense above it you should really be in a full sized aircraft.

     What do you want to spot and why?

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