When to use CA glue / locktite?

So, I'm finally building a 3DR quad after months of reading up and educating myself and I remember seeing advice to use CA (super) glue or locktite for certain bolts.  The online instructions don't mention it, so I must have seen it in a forum somewhere.  What do you guys recommend?  CA vs blue locktite and which components need it?  Also, did I see something about reducing motor vibrations on this frame with rubber washers, and if so, I guess you'd need to buy longer 3x22 screws?

I'm excited to have this baby flying soon!



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  • First off, understand the different between loctite blue and CA adhesive. CA is only going to be used where you hope NEVER, EVER will I take this apart. The only way to remove something threaded with CA is to heat it to around 700F. Blue locktite is used on screws that you don't want to vibrate loose, but at the same time, can be unscrewed without heat. The other gotcha is that blue locktite can seriously damage some plastics just from it's vapor drying. So don't use blue locktite around a prop adapter, but it's fine on a screw in aluminum to hold a motor in place.

    So I say yes, the 2 screws per motor, locktite may be a good idea, frame screws and nuts, probably ok, prop adapter or anything that goes against acrylic or plastic DO NOT use loctitle. I cannot think of anyplace screw wise CA is correct.

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