I am in the process of ordering a XL-maxbotic MB1260 (http://store.diydrones.com/MB1260_XL_MaxSonar_EZL0_p/ac-0004-16.htm) sonar but is advised by Jdrones staff that the MB1200 (http://store.diydrones.com/MB1200_XL_MaxSonar_EZ0_p/ac-0004-15.htm) is the recommended standard.
Anybody have any suggestions if proceeding with the MB1260 will cause incompatibility or any other possible problems when ported with the arducopter? Is this similar to deciding to get an APM1280 or an APM2560.
I am trying to get Alt_hold using Ultra-sonic sensor, can you describe the process stepwise to me please as I am new to these stuff. If you like to send it in email then my email is: sufalraja@yahoo.com. At the moment I can see data in CLI mode when testing but I am failing to save that in logs and I don't know what to do after this.
Hi, I just bought an Arducopter and I'm wondering why you place the ESC's close to the electronics, as far as I know, the more larges the motor wires are, the more noise is generated, the ESC's also get hots which it another source of noise. Why not place the ESC's like here?
Wow certainly good news Heino, might give it a try after I get my replacement esc. By the way do you use the filter suggested by Maxbotix on both 1200 and 1260?
Interesting results Heino thanks for sharing, I wanted to test the none scaled MB1260 but I think I have a series of unfortunate events lol. :( . I hope it will end soon.
Anyway, hope to here good things with the 1260 non scaled test as I have 2 of these sucks if they dont work.
Thanks for sharing
Flight 1. The MB1200 worked well as I tried previously with 2.0.37. Altitude hold worked well at all altitudes and the data was very clean. There were a few drop outs as the quad got up near 700 cms but alt hold held together.
Flight 2. The MB1260 with doubled samples (for VCC/1024/2 scaling) did not fly as well. Alt hold did hold but there was some weird jumps at 6 ft altitude. At lower altitudes the sonar worked as well as the MB1200. At higher altitudes where it was mixing with baro, it wasn't holding very well. I looked at the data and there was sonar noise at the higher altitudes. I wouldn't call the MB1260 a clean replacement with scaling added. The reported altitude values did line up with the baro altitude indicating that the scaling seemed get the right output values.
I'll try later today just flying the MB1260 without the doubling of the sample values (stock 2.0.36) and see how it does. However right now I'll switch back to the MB1200 after my next couple of experiments.
This is an interesting implementation, tried to do it as you did and it seems the reading now is 34cm (lowest). I wonder if this is really necessary. We will know once you test tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.
Hope Jason can comment on this as well
Ok just to share I mounted the MB1260 on the APM and enabled sonar. It seems to recognize it when I run the sonar test. One thing that bugs me is that the lowest number is 20CM. Is that normal? Id so I guess MB1260 works just fine too.
@ Roger, what Heino means is that at the moment the Ardu team fully support 1200 but many here in the community have used other models. All off them have mix results.