
  • still the same problem. is it still necessary to move the switch in order to connect to the terminal? 

    I have tried both positions but maybe my switch is broken.

  • Im still having problems with this guys.

    I only use USB and I hit 3 times on start up but still get the same screen.

    can anyone shed some light here?

  • You will need to reboot the APM and hit enter 3 times and you will get it.

    With the new upgrades I started getting this and tried all sorts of things but simply unplugging the APM, waiting, then plugging back in, as soon as you  see anything on the terminal screen hit enter 3 times and your there

  • Do you have to push enter 3 times as soon as you click on the terminal tab? it takes about a split second after I click on the tab to start writing garbage and I push enter 3 times and it keeps on doing it.
  • 3D Robotics
    that's normal. If you don't hit the enter key three times at startup it will go into the regular boot process, which quickly moves to binary MAVlink, which is not human readable (looks like garbage on a terminal screen.)
  • I owe APM2 for a few months now and since them CLI was always showing such mess. Because I didn't need it I wasn't asking if it's "normal". Looks like I'm not the only one.

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