Dear Sirs,

i down load the source code QGroundControl2.8.0 and want to build in Qtcreator5.5 platform, but the result show me as following:

Project ERROR: MAVLink folder does not exist at 'libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v1.0'! Run 'git submodule init && git submodule update' on the command line.

Cannot read E:/Worldwide_Quadrotor/PIXHAWK/Software_Code_Framework/(code)QGroundControl/qgroundcontrol-2.8.0(1)/qgroundcontrol-2.8.0/user_config.pri: No such file or directory.

pls tell me where and how to excutive the command 'git submodule init && git submodule update'? i conduct this order in Git shell command line enviroment.but obtain the following result:




and the second problem is that how could i get the file named user_config.pri?

thanks for all kindly assistance .

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  • From the "Obtaining Source Code" section of the README: You don't need a user_config.pri file. You can ignore that.

    Obtaining source code

    Source code for QGroundControl is kept on GitHub:

    git clone --recursive 

    Each time you pull new source to your repository you should run git submodule update to get the latest submodules as well. Since QGroundControl uses submodules, using the zip file for source download will not work. You must use git.

    Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows) - mavlink/qgroundcontrol
    • thanks for your instruction!

      yes ,i do as your mentioed above step by step,

      i get source code by installing git, and pull down the code;

      and i install the qt and qt creator5.5.1 which show in the website page with this address ;

      and intall  Visual Studio 2013 cmpiler from the indicated this address.

      and so i think my build enviroment is Windows: Desktop Qt 5.5.1 MSVC2013 32bit, then Launch Qt Creator and open the project.

      but, the compiling result is show as following:

      3702612895?profile=originaland the problem show as following:

      3702612500?profile=originali wonder that why the qt creator could not find the MSVC2013 compiler and it clearly i have installed this one.

      i check the build&run option and see the compiler in qt version, compiler, and kits option page.

      so i check some frum and find someone said that need install compiler MinGW4.9.2, so i down load and unzip

      under the qt installer directary. but the question is same again  and the hint is not changed.

      i dont know how to setup properly in the qt build&run configuration with MSVC2013 compiler, and need deeply instruction in compiling QGroundControl.

      thanks for all assistance sincerely

      • Your "Kit" for Visual Studio Compiler is not set up correctly in QtCreator. Some googling on QtCreator Visual Studio Kit should point you in the right direction.

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