Hello guys,

There are a lot of topics about the integrated telemetry support to the RC system, which is a great feature and saw that PX4 system got implemented the Graupner's HOTT system.

For APM2  Adam Majerczyk a year ago made a great progress on this area but would be great to get this feature implemented to official releases.


I use MC-32 and fly with Mikrokopter electronics as of today, and that feature value the best, especially that some parameters the transmitter can speak for you too. Now I started to test the APM2.6 so I thought I would integrate the telemetry also there.

Dear developers, can we expect that some day it appears in official releases?

Thank you


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  • Replying, and subscribing,  since I too am using Grupner stuff, - very fine features and high quality.

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