
  • 3D Robotics

    3DR has just announced support for a new version of the Sony UMC-R10C that's designed for the Solo, with deep integration into both the Solo hardware and software.  More details here.

    • Looking forward to NAB releases.

  • no standard option to disable auto image rotation :(

    • The NEX5n does the same thing and it really makes it difficult to use the images with applications like Pix4D and PTGui.  Its very annoying.  I found a Python script that rotates the images back to the orientation they were shot but haven't been able to get it to work.

      Jamie, I don't suppose you've tried the Olympus A01?

      • Hi Chuck,

        Any luck with horizontal/vertical flipping? Im experiencing the same issue.

        • I never found a solution for this.  It always seems to flip the image in the same direction so I jist load the images into Lightroom and flip the verticals to the right.

  • Developer

    Hi guys, I just wrote a blog about using Sony cameras with the pixhawk specifically the QX1, check it out:

  • Developer

    So we have been working to get this camera to be controlled from the Pixhawk via a companion computer. I already have the system working on a fixed wing platform and it can be controlled via mavlink commands from the ground or through a mission. This is an example of a map taken with the QX1 and processed with Pix4D. I will probably do a blog post about it in the future.

  • I have QX1 on a copter for agricultural surveying but have one issue.

    The photos are taken vertically down but as the camera has an internal orientation sensor it keeps flipping which way is UP.

    There seems to be no way to disable this.

    Any help appreciated.

    Here is the setup on my homemade gimbal with QX1 and ADC multispectral camera.


    • Hi Vince,

      How are you controlling the camera?  Were you able to wire a trigger?

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