wings level only

I'm interested in ardupilot for an aircraft that is only a wing leveler. No course guidance or anything else is needed.Would I be able to construct this using the ardupilot board, the programming cable and the FMA co-pilot.From a brief read of the manual, without the GPS the board just defaults to fly by wire mode.Would I be better off to just buy the FMA co-pilot to do this?

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  • Admin

    I have both the Co-Pilot I & II. The Co-Pilot works best with ailerons, but can be used with the rudder.

  • That is kind of what I was thinking and I just sent an email to Howard at FMA.

    I can get the simple two axis co-pilot for $70
  • By the sound of it, ArduPilot is way more powerful and complex than what you're after. What you need is a simple feedback loop, taking the input from the horizon sensor, working out which way is up, and moving the ailerons to get 'up' back to where it should be. As far as I know, FMA Co-Pilot does that already. The ArduPilot system does that as justone small part of its operation, along with a whole load of other functions that fly the plane from place to place. If you don't want the other functions, then it comes down to a simple question: is the FMA Co-Pilot cheaper than an ArduPilot board, programming cable and XY/Z sensors? If the answer is yes, then just go with the FMA Co-Pilot.
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