
Wireless telemetry and xbee

I remember reading that adrupilot mega will be including 2 way telemetry, But i was just wondering if this will be achieved via the same xbee modules as currently used on ardupilot. Reason for asking is I was planning to buy some XBee Pro 900 modules but just wanted to konw if i would have to get a new pair when i get ardupilot mega?Thanks

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  • I have a trio of the XBee Pro 900MHz modules, and I have learned something about them.

    I wanted to use the direct IO feature which I'd hoped / assumed they have. It turns out that currently just the series 1 802. 2.4Mhz have this feature without API mode, not so with the other series 2 or Pro modules. They will do it sort of, only using API mode, to read or set the IO pins. I wished I had found this thread at sparkfun before banging my head for several days trying to get it to work. The direct IO feature allows to reprogram wirelessly without too much trouble, as Jordi hinted on the Ardustation assembly instructions One could use the same method to reprogram your ardupilot also

    "" The transistor is not required, is optional. But it let you program the ardustation wireless (without the FTDI cable) using arduino. For that you need to populate the 2n2222 transistor and fallow the instructions of this trick: ""

    The direct IO is available currently just if the xbee is configured in API mode, which is more complicated than a simple serial cable replacement radio link, as I think we typically use. API mode does allow setting an output on the opposite end, but some device like a pc or a microcontroller needs to send a coded message frame to do so.

    So I was a little sad to learn that DIO is not available, for me, when using it as a simple serial cable replacement. It would be useful for a lot of things, it could be 8 more trigger type of channels going in either direction from plane to ground, without changing code to send it on serial. And it would allow reprogramming remotely, in the air if you trust someone to fly manually for a minute, or on the ground at least without having to hookup a cable.

    In my sadness, I asked how could they leave this feature out of newer, more expensive products (series 2, pro), when it had already been available on the earlier ones (series 1). And where did I see this explained, seemed to me like any xbee had this. I may have also asked if a certain Mr Head had left Microchip and come to work at Digi, wink, wink. It seemed so parallel to me; what should be a better (longer range,different frequency) product, different feature set, maybe customer confusion (me), etc.

    Well, I received two actual phone calls from Digi, very interesting and informative. Sounded to me like adding this may be on their todo list already, or at least they seem happy to talk to and understand their users / customers. They say it should be do-able with point-point firmware. Hedge probably not for mesh network firmware due to having to handle & route the data.

    So, if you agree with wanting DIO on the 900Mhz Pro, or other radios, go check out Digi's website and give them your input. Seems like they're listening. With as many ardupilots as have been sold, the audience here may be at least a tiny slice fraction of their market.
  • Developer
    xBee Pro 900 will migrate to ArduMega
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