Wiring question

I have had 2 separate cases where the cable failed to the GPS. Once as a result of a hard landing (crash) that broke my CD mounting plate, the other from an rebuild, where I was just unplugging and re-routing wiring to the GPS.  Both times one of the GPS cables lost connection through one of the wires- I think near the crimp point.  Can anyone tell me of a better source for cables or where I can get a good crimping tool and wire to start making my own cables for the APM use.  The wires used by 3DR seem stiff compared to others used by the R/C community for servos ect, and I would love to start using shielded cables as well as I plan to start using FPV.


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  • Another member has done us all a great favor... look HERE.


  • The connectors used by 3DR are not proprietary but common.

    DigiKey is one source of those type connectors associated tools. To identify the actual connector employed, I have found the Eagle schematics for the boards to be very good. The person that drew the schematic usually used the proper connector identifier.

    To find the schematics, go to the Store and select the device you need information on. Then expand the description with the 'More' link. It opens the frame fully and shows the rest of the device information. Below is the expanded frame for APM 2.5+

    3692794041?profile=originalGood luck!


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