WOD mavlink ground station ;-)


Hi all.

im working on new gs software. I`m working on it becouse its connected with  project WOD,

but this part is not ready for public,so i will present it later :D

but please you can help me , if you will write me here or to email p.cz@seznam.cz FEATURES,what you missing in other gsc software ;-)

I`m writing it in lowest level what is possible ( C, some time ( becouse necesery ) use some c++ CODE :-)) software now running cca 400fps on intel 3000hd, and all is in one thread ! so speed will later go up.

GUI is under work, we work on it parallel, becouse rest of code show us gui skills what we need ;-)

for now its on windows platform, later will also linux ,android and iOS version ;-)

in few days we finish first version of GUI so i will put here more pictures, now just one from testing of basics element ( now we work on scroling,and realtime updating map ),gps,map,compas, and horizont already work.

.dont take this graphiic serious, is under construction how i said ;-)

Petr Zverina

PS: sorry for my english :D

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  • SOOOOOO we are still hard working and soon YOU WILL FINALY know whats mean WOD !!!!!!!!!! :-)

  • so first vido from short test ;-)
    just take off and land, but for first test of tablet version WOD-GSC .... so im happy that nothing fired,exploded, crashed etc....


    WOD-GCS with touch support + hexen mk1 ;-)

    Posted by Petr Zverina on Wednesday, July 6, 2016
  • hi all , we transport now WOD-GSC to Acer iconia tablet ( win 8 and win 10 )

    so soon some videos from test software ;-)

    • WOD GSC working, touch control full integrated, so soon first test in air ;-)

  • i found something strange. Is realy imposible make TRIM PROCES with 6 channel controler :-) i know is posible conect chanel 6 to chanel 7, but no if you use spectrum satelite straight to pixhawk. or soem receiver with PPM output, then you dont have where switch wires. So i decided makei  our WOD-GSC make SOFTWARE TRIM PROCCES !

    How will work : in air you will activate ALTHOLD and trim your copter, when is stable you pres ctrl+T on keyboard or Icon.

    after 15 seconds GS will write you aproach. When you are on ground, just press ctrl+S. and values will write to eerom.

    Is not neceserry soem sotup in controler, no hardware changing. Only one "bad" thing is, that you need ground station for this ;-) but i think this will apressiate every one, with 6ch controler and pixhawk ;-)

    your opinions pls ;-)

    • so STP ( software trim proces ) work realy well, today tested , configuration :

      GSC :

      Laptop TAROX with 2nd gen i7

      GSC-WOD v 0.55a

      433mhz 500mw telemetry

      Spektrum dx6i

      Drone : HEXEN Mk1

                  Pixhawk clone

                  6x 2212/920 motors , Y6b, 10x3.8 gemfun props

      everything was work perfect, just i need biger bateries, hexen with 0.55kg payload ( bateries ) hover in 35% of throtle :D so he will get soon MUCH biger bateries.


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    so SETUP screen is near of finish ;-) now just left fence, PID ,tuning, and then only cosmetic stuffs ;-)

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    we working now on GRAPHICS for setup screen ;-) so this need some time ;-) soon will some results ;)

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    Accelerators calibration WORKing ( left down in text box is result ;-) so we will ready for first test fly under WOD-GSC soon ;-)

    i know that i can fly now ;-) but i want make it realy just by WOD, includet all callibration processes ;-)

  • so writing to epprom working..... uff.... nowhere is described that after message 23 ( set parametr ) you will get back 22 (read message ) like handshake, but this 22 have full 16bit (65535) index id :D no realy parametr index ....

    this was total make dizi my vector arrays :D and of course program crash ;-) i was search  2  hours, whats happend :D

    but now finaly all ok, and stable ;-)

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