When I accidentally open a "hidden page" (CTRL+F), i discovered many cool features like swarming, follow mode, OSDvideo and amoung them a "Microdrone" button... If I click on it, mission planner ask me to select a com port & baud rate.
I'm really interrested about connecting a MD4-1000 hardware with mission planner ! Does this button have any relation with this German UAV brand ?
Thanks for enlightening me about this secret button :)
I'm afraid that I don't understand completely your explications : MP will emit APM data ?
Is there any way to read basic data from a MD4-1000 with MP?
MP will emit data the same as a md4-1000. it will not read it.
That button works the reverse to what your thinking.
it output APM data as if it where a microdrone.