I have been flying the x8 for about a month now off and on.I have two other quads that have the NAZA flight system. The X8 seems to be very reactive at the slightest gust of wind and frankly I am tried of this thing just tilting at 25 degrees and heading off with the wind. The legs tend to crack or sheer the plastic pins off just at the slightest hard landing. I have yet to run an autonomous mission due to the fact that it just seems like a squirrley airframe design. Has anyone else had a problem like this? I am now thinking about buying another air frame and changing out all the components from the X8. It just feels like when this thing is in the air that it is almost channeling the wind between the upper and lower props. Maybe the PIDS? I am running the standard PIDs from 3D and really wonder if I should change the set up.
Thanks for any advice.
the frame is not a problem, you could have bad connection in a motor, a defective motor, or other problem, but correct PID's are able to do it right.
If your frame, propsize, battery weight, etc is about "normal" for X8 - it should (afaik) fly well with default PIDs
I do not know what airframe/motors you are using, but this is how good you can expect ardupilot to be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NgGU-Knbs