XBee airborne side antenna, how to replace?

I just noticed that I seem to have lost the antenna on my airborne Xbee!  Must have gotten torn off somehow.  It's just the simple little white wire antenna.  Can I just replace it with another piece of wire?  What length?

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  • Quarter wave for the frequency's used by the 900 xBee is between 80mm and 83mm. (902 MHz-928MHz)

  • You should be able to replace it with another piece. I measured mine (900MHz) and the antenna length is 86mm from the top surface of the PCB at the point that it comes through the hole.    Because the wire goes down through the hole in the PCB (insulated, not soldered) then goes horizontally for a few mm before it is soldered to the pad I think that the total length is about 90mm.   I suggest that you cut a longer length and route it through the hole and solder it in place. Once in place measure the 86mm and cut it off. The attached diagram should help.



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