XBee availability?

Does anyone have an idea when XBee modules might be available again?


They have been out of stock in the DIY Drones store for a while and Sparkfun says that flooding in Thailand is resulting in long lead times. 



Pat Brown

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  • Guys, many thanks for the reply and xbee supplier references. Cheers
  • xBee availability? Jaycon Systems has them in stock http://www.jayconsystems.com/products.php?cid=12 . There is a tutorial on how to pair the series 2 xbee modules here http://www.jayconsystems.com/tutorial_detail.php?tid=6 .

    Hope this helps,


  • if supplies are indeed limited to smaller quantities of 5 or less per order, perhaps it would be worth emailing 3dr and asking if they would put up an 'everything but the xbees' telemetry kit. People could then order the smaller quantities from digi or sparkfun or wherever else you can source them.

  • By price was right I meant the same price.... DigiKey does have them in stock...  Right at the same price as digi and DIY Drones...


  • Moderator

    I have some credit with the DIYDrones store so want to use that for Xbees, but they haven't had stock since July 2011. If it's a supply issue I can understand...

  • Follow up, apparently I ordered my xbees from DIGI not DIGIKEY.  HAH!  Digi said they wouldn't be available till the end of this month. But the support at Digi says Digikey has them, they transferred me and Digikey who now has my order.   They should be here in 3 to 4 days.  Digi and digikey both have great customer support!  I just didn't notice the ship date issue, since digi was out of stock...

  • Digikey have Xbee modules in stock.

  • Moderator

    Any further news about the availability of these kits at the DIYDrones store? They've been out of stock for a LONG time!

  • Check out www.jayconsystems.com for the xBee modules. Jaycon sells all kinds of different components for UAV and wireless solutions. I know the shipping response time is super fast too.


    Derek at Jaycon Systems

  • Distributor

    Hello Pat,


    The floods have caused a supply issue here for my store too, the 2.4ghz telemetry kits I sell were out of stock for 25 days :( I had spoken with my suppliers the other day and the latest news was the test equipment has been saved and they were moving to a new / dry factory, however I was told expect delays and poor stock till Christmas :(


    I now have enough kits to cover me till then! 5 showing in the store right now, but there are more kits being added next week when I have the XtreamBee's in greater numbers!







    Not the best of news....








    Xbee Telemetry Kits are now back in stock and with good supply @ www.buildyourowndrone.co.uk


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