XBee explorer USB alternative?

I was wondering if there is any other alternative for the XBee explorer USB as sparkfun is out of stock on that and I want to be able to to have it connect to a laptop instead of going with the ardustation. I tried doing a google search for others who may have it and all that I could find were out of stock. I would be willing to put my own together if I new what parts I needed to order. Thanks for any input.

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  • the ardufruit adapter will work with a FTDI cable/adapter:
  • Moderator
    download the schematic from sparkfun and it should have all the things you need and make your own
  • Admin

    I have the Sparkfun converter, but also use this one which is five dollars cheaper and has more status lights:


    XBee to USB adapter
  • You could use an Arduino Mega (it has more than 1 UART) to do the translating, but that's kind of an expensive, ludicrous overkill.

    Depending on the kind of work you need to get done you could get away with an FTDI cable and a power regulator.
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