Xbee Pro 2.4Ghz not working in APM

I have done the setup for telemetry. Using the latest ardupirates code available.

Using the baud rate at 1111000 & 38400, Using the xtrembee board adapter & sparkfun adapter with xbee pro 2.4ghz.


Able to connect to PC configuator-

When i power up my APM using the usb instead of the lipo. (without motors & escs) 


Unable to connect to PC configurator -

When i power up my APM using the lipo with motors & escs connected.


Initially, i thought it was the power to xbee adapter wasnt enough but after adding lipo regulator, the xbee was still unable to connect to the PC when power up by lipo.


Anyone have face this before? How can i find the solution?

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