I am using the latest Ardupirates code with Mtk 16 mediatek gps & sonar I discovered that i fly my quadrotor when i engage altitude hold, the quadrotor will remain at knee level. But the quadrotor will drift. To prevent the drift, i immediate…
"Martinit; I am using the Mediatek GPS v16. Darren; i am indoor, but i place my gps outside to check whether was the code working. therefore i cannot fly with the gps hold without a fix? Sebastian; yes, i am in sengkang. Thank you as least i know my…"
From the above picture, i have managed to telemetry from my configurator to my arducopter. I read the configuration of my Arducopter that shows me the GPS lat, long, alt data, but my APM/IMU led C is blinking red instead of stable red led. Was my…
Hi guys, Could anyone explain or guide me how to do flight data logging or recording? On the configurator, we can managed to monitor the data of Gyro, Accelerometer and Motor, but we cantrecord it. Anyone have any idea the figure reading for…
I have done the setup for telemetry. Using the latest ardupirates code available.Using the baud rate at 1111000 & 38400, Using the xtrembee board adapter & sparkfun adapter with xbee pro 2.4ghz. Able to connect to PC configuator-When i power up my…
"If i bought the latest GPS version 1.6 from DIYDrones, do i still need to configure anything? Or i can just plug in APM assuming the GPS is giving Binary output to APM"
I have a similar problem as you. I wire up my APM on table to configurator, then i arm my motor to check the speed of 4 motors. When i pushed my throttle to 50%, i notice my front & rear motor are spinning at…"
I have the Solid blue led on the mediatek GPS but the Red led on APM will be kept blinking. Does it meant the APM didnt recognise the GPS lock from GPS?"
I have been using the tutorial provided and the files provided above to config my UBlox gps and run my APM. While running Ublox gps on the Ucenter, i am able to read the data on Ucenter and 3D fix.
"Recently just bought a new mediatek gps from DIYdrones. I have connected the mediatek gps with ftdi cable. I run the powerflash.exe as per instructions from the Arducopter googles page. I link to the 115200 baud and correct com port and selected the…"
"I am using a Ublox gps, i have use the ublox gps test for the APM.
I have read from serial monitor and i received all this... Is it correct for indoor? Was the GPS working? Cause when i use my modified code for arducopter, the GPS module is power…"
"2 ideas : - have checked your cable between APM & Xbee ? - I have use the same cable during progam on XCTU and on airborne. Are there any special type of cable?(the other between PC and Xbee must be OK, as you have managed to program them) - have…"
"I encounter the similar situations as you on the RC1 code. The ground Xbee (sparkfun adapter) will have TX led blinking and the Airborne Xbee (diydrone adapter) will have the RSSI (red)led lit up. The configurator cannot connect to the APM.
This is my second set of APM+oilpan. I cannot connect to the configurator even though the baud rate and com port is correct. I was able to read the flight data before but i cannot even connect to the configurator now. What i have done: I have reset…