xbee wiring

Where can i get the connector on the end of the ftdi cable? I would like to have a cable with this connector on both ends which would connect the xbee to the APM without using 4 separate wires(instead i want 1 4 conductor wire). This will make things less messy, and easy plugins. I checked the diydrones store and sparkfun with no luck.

The xbee will be approximately 30 inches from the APM.


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  • Moderator
    Here's the connector (Just need to shave off one pin space):

    Just need to remember which pins I used... So much easier in the store... HA!
    If you're into it, use a CD-ROM drive audio cable and un-crimp the pins and make them do your bidding...
  • Moderator
    I found mine at Fry's electronics. I don't have the part number with me but can try to remember to post later. (I love going into Fry's... Almost everything you need for an electronics hobby)
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