Y six configuration question

So after my first major crash with one motor cutting out for some reason and my quad ending up smashed and breaking two motors I'm thinking about a Y six configuration. My main question is if one of the motors gives out will the redundancy in motors help out the situation and help bring the multicopter down to safety?  More specifically, the multicopter won't come crashing down if one of the motors gives out? 

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  • I am currently working on my first X8 config.  I have been thinking a lot about redundancy and some have performed tests where they have disconnected a prop and have still been able to fly (analogous to a motor failure).  Redundancy is a very interesting topic when it comes to these copters.  I do think it is worth a Y6 or Z8 config.  However I believe there are some failures where these configuration will not help you.

    I will start with failures that a Y6 orX8 configuration should handle:

    1) Loose/disconnected prop

    2) Failed motor - motor stops working

    3) Failed ESC

    add more as you see fit....

    Failures that it probably wont handle:

    1) a prop that breaks asymmetrically - I had this happen to a few quads.   When the prop breaks asymmetrically,  the vibrations will cause the motor to break off.   When this happens there is a probability that the duplicate motor/prop will be hit with something. 

    2) A motor mount break - same kind of thing,  the motor will fall off and affect the other motor in the pair by hitting it,  possibly.

    3) Structure failure - the arm/ arm mount breaks (obvious)

    I think when thinking about this you need to look at probabilities.  If you do adequate testing and checks,   the y6/X8 config probably has the best reliability.  I am interested to hear what some experts think on this.  


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