Y6 loses altitude after reaching each waypoint

Hi all,

I recently bought and built a y6. All seems to be working well except in auto mode. After it reaches each waypoint, it turns towards the next and loses a lot of altitude. It ends up gaining it back on its way to the next waypoint only to lose the altitude again. From browsing the forums is seems this can happen due to an uncovered barometer, but my APM is in the case which I assume is sufficient covering.

All other modes seem to work fine: loiter, RTL, stabilize, and even guided.

I am running APM2.6 with ArduCopter 3.0.1 with external 3dr compass and mag and 3dr telemetry.

I am using the y6 3s parameter file.

Log files are attached. You can see this most easily in the .kmz file "20 Flight Path Auto"

Any insight would be much appreciated!

Thank you in advance,


2013-10-16 17-17 4.kmz

2013-10-16 17-17 4.log

2013-10-16 17-17 4.log.gpx

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  • Ryan,

    Have you resolved this issue yet?  I am having this same issue.

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