Yaw carouseling

I have stabilize and ALT_Hold tuned well, but when I go to position hold or loiter the heli stays in the vertical and horizontal very stable but yaws slowly without ever stopping.  In stabilize/ALT_Hold it  often drifts in the yaw also.  It does not seem to be a rate gain issue because the tail holds well during collective pumps.  I have recalibrated the compass multiple times and turned compass learning on.  my current offsets are -99, 5, 36. Any ideas about what my issue could be?  I am anxiously awaiting getting this 500 tuned up to use as my test bed before starting on a helix gasser converted Trex700.




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  • Helloooooooooo!

    Is anyone out there?????  LOL, HAHA

    I have ordered a new 3dr pixhawk and gps/compass, hoping it arrives soon and will fix my yaw issues.  I am building the gasser on blind faith I will get it sorted out.  I'm hoping it was a vibration and/or electronics issue.  I had the gps/mag mounted directly to the tail boom of the 500.

    So where do we stand with 3.3?  Is it time to upgrade or stick with 3.2.1?  I know most all of us have jobs, family, etc... (me too), so please don't take my antics to heart, all in good fun.  I would like to update the wiki for traditional heli (relieve some burden off our outstanding developers) but want to get everything worked out and well understood first.  Perhaps I can put together a word document update and submit it to Rob for review and consideration.  I am an engineer, I have been coding since 1995, mostly industrial automation.  I currently develop diagnostic analysis software for manned and unmanned aircraft.  My most proficient languages are C# and VB.net but have programmed C++, fortran, and other languages.  I am happy to help with development of MP views and copter for traditional heli tuning also (limited schedule, job, wife, kids, etc...), and I am sure there will be a large learning curve with 700,000+ lines of code.

    VB.NET Shop
  • Well I ordered a new Pixhawk and Gps/compass module from 3DR to rule out electronics.  This compass issue is very tiring.  Just to verifiy, with the Pixhawk mounted with 90deg roll and external compass 180 yaw, what should the settings for compass orientation be?  The documentation for this is very confussing.  Pixhawk orientation in mission planner is "0", but the orientation for the external is relative to the Pixhawk so should be roll 90 yaw 180???



    • Hi,

      try AHRS_ORIENTATION=16 and COMPASS_ORIENT=4 in 'Full Parameter List/Tree' and do the calibration again.

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