Yaw locking and throttle issue?

Hi to all,

I still have a strange problem with yaw getting locked after some time of flying and not listening to the radio input. This happened over the versions from 2.0.xx to 2.1 final (the one I am currently using).

It seems that if I am not using yaw over some time during flying and do not change much the throttle input, the yaw input gets locked. I can give full yaw left/right without any effect. If I change the throttle stick position a bit, it seems to recover from the lock and gives me an unclean reaction, if I use yaw then the copter yaws but rises/falls quite a lot and the motors change rpm pretty much.

After recovering from this situation, yaw works good until I don't use yaw for a longer time, it then gets stuck again.

I don't know if I'm mixing up two different problems, but during hover in low heights (2 meter) and without throttle change, the copter begins to rise up and won't stop flying upwards until I reduce throttle.

I am using the new 3dr frame with the stock 880kv motors, the APM board (red and blue) and mostly standard PID settings (rate_p in stab mode lowered a bit). Reloading the firmware did not have any effect.

As yaw is realised by changing throttle on the motors, could there be some strange issue on yaw/throttle that causes this problem?

Btw, when constantly using yaw, this issue does not happen.

I hope someone can figure out what this is all about, so thank you in advance.




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  • Developer

    Marc, i created a short video with AeroSim that shows very well sometimes anomalous behavior of the yaw with throttle and altitude climbing.
    I'm in Acro mode, without stabilization, magnetometer is disable.
    I hope that in future it will be enabled better control of the yaw, perhaps with the potential for the planner to manage the matrix table of the engines due correct the yaw control with different configuration.

  • Developer

    Have you the same yaw issue In Acro mode?
    Have calibrated the throttle limit of the esc?
    Your magnetometer responds correctly in the planner?
    Have tried to make some corrections on the yaw pid?

  • Hi to all, today during some video flight, I hat this yaw-lock multiple times. I could recover the ever-yawing/not responding copter from this by applying full throttle up and down.

    Ok, so here ist the video:


    After backwards flying, I wanted to turn around but the copter didn't stop yawing. You can hear when I apply full throttle to get control back and the copter "releases" yaw and can be controlled again.

    I have uploaded the complete logfiles from this flight and the current settings from the Mission Planner, too. What I can see in the *.kmz file is that the orientation of the copter is not right. I don't know if this is normal behavior for copter-firmware, I know with arduplane the orientation was right.

    I hope someone can help!



    2012-01-17 05-56 10.zip


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