Bluetooth with my Note 8

The Note 8 works great with the 3DR Telemetry radios.

But I saw bluetooth, I assume I need to get something for the APM to make this work?

I am using an APM 2.6 w UBlox GPS

It would be nice not to have the dongle off the back but somehow I am sure Bluetooth wont go as far as my 3DR

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  • Hi Edgar

    You would connect a bluetooth radio to your 3dr radio and hence wirelessly connect to your radio. Google smirf for technical specs on how this is done. I id this and love having the option. Down side. If you use mission planner on laptop or pc you will not be able to connect through bluetoth. You will need additional radio via usb to do this. If any one has managed to figure out how to get around this issue please advise
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