
New AndroPilot Android GCS release 1.2.05

Some good bug fixes and cool new features (gamepad support should be tested only carefully):

# 1.2.05
* Gamepad support ready for alpha testing. Press Y to do RTL, press L1 to toggle fence mode, use the two joysticks like a RC controller, press start to return control to RC transmitter.
* Thanks to Robert W, Earl C, Jack O, Linux P, Anthony G, Robert L, Jeremy Z and Rana for donating so I could buy a gaming tablet. Not yet purchased, but without their prodding I wouldn't have gotten around to
adding gamepad support for a while...
* For TCP connections, allow user to specify an outpound port #
* Parameter download is much faster for most devices
* Add a servos output tab that shows raw values driven to vehicle servos
* Fix problem where bluetooth connections would be torn down on screen rotation
* Fix problem where sometimes the vehicle mode would be listed wrong on application start
* Somehow I had disabled showing the keyboard for waypoint altitudes - fixed
* Default to showing the keyboard if we edit a parameter or waypoint

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