This is the first cut of the 'even simpler' UI. It may have a little more breakage than typical betas - so please be cautious - but I'd love any feedback. (please!)
It also adds support for multiple vehicles (just plug in more 3dr radios) - though this feature is not yet exposed in all views.
Next release will finish multi-vehicle support, beginnings of the Javascript vehicle control and a few UI tweaks.
# 1.8.01
* Abort RC override if the user of the RC xmitter changes the flight mode switch (Luciano - would you mind confirming this works for you?)
* First cut of new 'even simpler' UI
* Misc improvements to the RC joysticks (I've been flying with only the tablet lately)
* (Alpha) support for multiple vehicles (though not yet shown in most views) - No configuration needed, just attach multiple 3dr radios to a (POWERED) USB hub
* Beginning of scripting support
* The sidebar pane is now dockable - just use the menu to turn it on/off
Great version (now 1.8.03 available in beta test)
There are still some minor bugs already reported to Kevin.
Here is how Andropilot appears on a smartphone galaxy s3 where you can see some minor overlapping...but new icons/buttons and overlays are very useful if you pilot using joysticks only!
On smartphone you need to close sidebar in order not to have too much overlapping in small screen