Special pane for PID parameter adjustment?

Hi Kevin! 

First of all thanks so much for the effort. It's getting really solid and useful.

I haven't used (yet) as my primary GCS, but I am planning to give it a try soon doing some PID tweaking I have to do on one of my quads.

I found that you have display for all PID parameters, and even the Channel 6 mapping tool including min and max range! I think for the sake of quick access to those parameters, a pane with direct display to just the PIDs, including a quick selector for the Channel 6 mapping would be awesome. (Maybe even having automatic set of Min/Max, based on the current value of the mapping channel +/- ~ 30%?).

Also, don't know the internals of the communication to MavLink, but... is it possible to get a fast update on just the parameter being tweaked with the Channel 6? Is something that I would always wanted in Mission Planner (You always need to hit the "read data" when you want to know what was the settled parameter). It could only happen when you are on such panel.

I know as a still work in progress tool, might not be used as the main parameter tweaking system, but I am sure this could move towards improving the usefulness of the application!

What do you think!?

Thanks again! and have a great week!

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  • Developer

    So I've been using the (only) parameter screen in andropilot for my pid tweaks.  Can you elaborate more specifically what fields and what operations you would like on a pid tuning screen (I've only used mission planner a little)?

    I suspect it would be pretty easy to add.

    What do you mean about the channel 6 mapping tool - are you talking about the 6 switch selectable flight modes that are commonly assigned to channel 6 or 8?

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