Hi All,
First, apologize as I originally intended to send this question in the discussions section ( but sent it as a message to all of you, sorry!).
I have this question:
I am creating a mission with spline waypoints in Mission Planner.
The mission is uploaded into APM 2.6 ( double checked, reading mission directly from APM)
On the field:
- APM is linked to Andropilot
- Spline waypoints are completely removed/erased from APM 2.6
- "Normal" waypoints remain
- Is this Andropilot's normal behaviour ( removing from the APMs script any unsupported manoeuvre )?
- Even if it does not support spline waypoints, cannot just "not erase" the APM's mission tasks?
- Is there any "override" feature?
Thank you
happens to me too, current version wipes out the spline missions.
you have to use 3.2 RC2 firmware or above to use spline wps