Arduplane Throttle control

Hi All,

My new craft is about to take its maden voyage and all looks great, however I have a small problem I cant quite sort out.

I am running the standard release of arduplane. My craft is only running in manual at present. I am using a joystick through a modified ardustation to control it.

My throttle ESC has forward and reverse meaning a centre point of 1500us.

If I power up my ardustation first and then the craft (as is good practice) then all is good, however if there is a problem with the comms or the craft is powered on without the ardustation been powered then the throttle defaults to  1000us and the prop runs at full speed, rather dangerous.

How can I set the default centre value for the throttle so it defaults to 1500 rather than 1000. I have mission planner available but no variable is standing out.

thanks for any help.



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  • Developer

    We don't really support reversing the throttle on a plane at the moment.  I honestly don't know what will happen if you are flying along and then decide to go into reverse.  However, assuming you have your throttle on channel 3 if you set

    RC3_TRIM = 1500 (instead of 1000)

    RC3_MIN = 1500 (instead of 1000)

    then that should solve your issue.

    Thanks, Grant.

    • Hi, Thanks for the fast reply.

      I have cheched the two values (I had already set the rc3_trim but not the rc3_min) and the problem unfortunately remains. The throttle still goes to full a few seconds after startup with no control present. 

      Any other thoughts would be appreciated.


    • Developer

      I need more details.  Can you attach a log please - dataflash log when it occurs.  Is it a pixhawk or an apm on the craft?

      Thanks, Grant.

    • Many thanks for the assistance.

      Not knowing what I was looking at, I connected mission planner, deleted all logs (and there were lots), disconnected and caused the faults. I then reconnected the mission planner and downloaded all that was there (attached), Hope it helps.
    • Developer

      So I believe its an APM you have and NOT a Pixhawk - can you confirm that please?

      I am not familiar with ArduStation's but that shouldn't matter as the issue is when you power on the craft by itself then the motor spins right?  I assume the motor spin's in reverse which is why you believe the PWM output is 1000?  So the APM will need to output some value when its powered on.  What kind of receiver is plugged into your APM.  Is it possible that its outputting PWM 1000 because it hasn't got a connection to it and the APM is passing that through?

      Your other option is to enable arming which isn't on by default in Plane in 3.2.3 but will be on by default in the next release of Plane which will be released very shortly.  This means no throttle output other then the MIN value will be allowed until the vehicle is armed.

      Thanks, Grant.

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