Hi Guys, I've been following the development of all this for quite a few years and really appreciate the ingenuity here as well as the great collaborative work. Really think so much has been accomplished so quickly!

I'm pretty good at building, setting up, tuning and flying multi-rotors (yes for some of you, you'll probably stop reading here and tell me to leave!). It has been something I've used with Copter for some time but...

Plane is new to me.

I've been working on a project now for sometime and we have a few large sized (~2.5 meter) planes we've designed and built. All electric but of the more girthy variety... i.e. not foam. Structurally, aerodynamically and all the rest of it, they are great. Flying them is just not my forte. I try but somehow can't bridge the gap. We have some good guys on the team and a great pilot but no one is well versed in Arduplane and tuning and autonomous flight, etc (more of the academic side of things but hey, we built a great aircraft).

My question is this, where could we find someone who is extremely knowledgable, a great pilot and could nail the flight setting/parameters and all the rest of the tuning down? We are between Southern California and Nevada but location is not an issue as depending on the expertise we could arrange mailing it out, coming to visit, etc. I'm flexible and am happy to find some type of arrangement that works for you so send me a message or i"d appreciate it if you pointed me in the right direction for some external assistance. Not looking for a free handout here, just want to get this nailed down. Also, we put the full suite of sensors on it, Pixhawk, airspeed adapter, lidar, etc. Really want to get this set up for completely autonomous operation.

Thanks very much!


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  • Developer

    I can recommend some people in the area.  I will send you a PM

  • Developer

    Got any pictures/videos of the plane?  We would love to see it.

    Thanks, Grant

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