autopilot commands reverse of control surfaces

 Hi all,

 All my control surfaces elevator and aileron work as expected in all flight modes through the radio inputs. But when I am in a stabilised mode the control surfaces (aileron and elm really stumped.  I really went through everything I could think of before bringing this up but I a

evator) move counter to what is expected.  In ground tests, when I push the nose down, the elevatorgoes down which will force the nose down more. When I bank to the right, the right elevator comes up, again making the problem worse. I know this must be a couple parameters that I have yet to identify. Have reloaded firmware a few times and gone through all the mandatory configurations. APM is facing up and arrow is towards the front of the aircraft. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Developer

    Hi Sean,

    To reverse the ailerons you need to change the RC3_REV parameter from 1 to -1. For elevator change RC2_REV from 1 to -1.

    To check the rudder try rolling the plane over in FBWA mode and see if the rudder moves to try to turn the plane back upright (ie. if rolling right then it should turn left). If its wrong then set RC4_REV to -1.

    You can also do all this in the radio calibration page in MissionPlanner, using the "reverse" buttons.

    Cheers, Tridge

    •  Thanks Tridge,

       I was thinking this was used instead of reversing your inputs in the radio. Thanks for being so fast to respond also.:)

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