direction of turn mode AUTO

I want to thank the whole team for this wonderful project Diydrones. Today my first flight enhancement in AUTO mode.
I wonder if the turns in auto mode, the APM performs only in the sense of clockwise (right turn). missions can only be set at the turn?
mission attached file to see the direction of turn.

2011-10-15 04-30-02.tlog

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  • thank you all for the help, I think the problem was the speed of the wind was very strong compared to the speed of the aircraft. NAV_P increase a little, and now is working fine.

  • How are the wind speed and the power of the motor?

  • Developer

    Jim,  I don't know where your turn points were, so it is a bit difficult to say much about that flight other than it looks like you need to do some gain tuning...


    In Auto mode ArduPlane will turn whichever direction is shorter.

  • 3D Robotics

    I'm not sure I understand the question. In Loiter and RTL, ArduPlane will circle clockwise by default.

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