Flaperons on AMP

Hello everyoneI would like some advice on flaperons on AMP. I have my plane set up with flaperons and it works as expected in manual mode. I had to reverse RC1_REV to get the ailerons to move in the correct direction when I switch to other flight modes, otherwise both sides just moved in the same direction weather I use flaps or roll stick. Although now when I hit the flap switch the two sides move in the opposite direction of each other.I have my ailerons in CH1 and CH5 of the AMP as in the wiki "using multiple channels for ailerons"Any idea how I can get this to work properly?

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  • Moderator

    If you can't do it in the software via MP try swop CH1 & CH5 servo plugs on the APM (not AMP), if that doesn't resolve it swop them on the Rx then reverse them to get the correct direction of movement.

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