Low-cost UAV for mapping

Hi guys! I am trying to build a low-cost UAV for mapping, initially I intend to use a flying wing of 1.5m wingspan with ardupilot APM 2.5, GPS uBlox LEA-6, 2200KV Brushless Motor (2200KV Turnigy 6 D 2826) and Camera Go Pro Hero II, I wonder what the most viable way for me to get a longer flight around 30min, using batteries in parallel? Also I plan to use a long-range radio (Dragon Link) with an antenna tracker (helical or yagi) someone could tell which antenna tracker has the best cost benefit? Thanks for the fundamental support of you.

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  • Hi

    I am flying a 1.8m wing (based on the WingX design) with about 600g payload + 2*5A 3S LiPO. I get about 1.5h flight time with 12m/s cruise speed. It is all not really optimized (prop, engine to strong [800W], a lot of unneeded weight, etc.)

    I think it is reasonable to get even 2h of flight time with the above payload and batteries.

    I am using 2*3S in parallel.



  • Maybe you should consider a 2013 Skywalker with a 800KV motor and a big 12x6 propeller.
    You should be able to stay in the air for an hour.
  • For long flight times you need a low KV motor and a big slow turning prop.
    Don't even consider a tracker or any directional antenna over 8db until you are very comfortable and experienced with your rig.
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