TECS Tuning Questions

I am trying to figure out how to get my plane tuned for level flight and climbing. I have a Bixler 1.1 that is set up for long duration flights. It weighs ~1100 g and makes ~425 g thrust. I want to set 11 m/s the default airspeed in flight (I have an airspeed sensor).Do I:1. Increase the TRIM_THROTTLE until it flies around 11 m/s (TRIM_ARSPD)?-this just seems counterintuitive to me. I would think that when an airspeedsensor is used, you would set TRIM_THROTTLE to 0.2. Set the LIM_PITCH_MAX to the max it can climb in FBWA at TRIM_ARSPD? Will it fly at TRIM_ARSPD in FBWA?Thanks!

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  • Set the Trim_Throttle at the setting you use when in level cruise at the Trim_Arspd you want, 11 m/s.
    Set the Lim_Pitch_Max at the highest you want the autopilot to pitch the nose up in a maximum climb at Thr_Max and Trim_Arspd.
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