Hi everyone,

i am using a MAC, and did install the FTDIUSBSerrialdriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7 that comes in the APM Planner package. And it seems that my APM 2.6 works, as i can upload the Plane Firmware using the Planner.

But if i then try to connect using the top right corner-button, it "shows connected" and nothing happens.

Its shows no MAVlink prompt or so, and no Data at all is shown in the Flight Data Section.

I guess i missed something simple. All posts about connection problems i have found so far, are about COMPORT issues. But in my case i can upload Firmware using USBMODEM1411 at 115200 baud.

Maybe someone knows more?

Thank you!

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  • Developer

    What version of APM Planner 2.0 are you using? if you are not using the latest (which would seem likely as APM2.x FW update is broken in that version), you'll need this version mentioned in this thread here http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=13256

    • Hi Bill,

      thanks! I already used exactly that link. I thought i should see at least a Roll/Pitch in the Primary Flight Display. I tried to delete all files from previous Planner versions and reinstalled it, but again, Firmware install works fine, but still no input signals from APM to the Planner. I tried a reset of the APM just to see, but no luck.

    • Developer
      This person has just done the same setup as you but works. http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/mac-os-apm-2-6-firmware-load-erro...

      My guess is that you have a fault on the board 3.3v regulator it would seem. Try booting the APM while connected using the Terminal Console in APM Planner
    • Mmh, it says:

      No such file or directory

      Please ensure you have disconnected from the UAS, before connecting using terminal mode.

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