Hello Drone Experts!
We've got a 900mhz 3DR telemetry air module connected to our APM2.0 telem port, and we'd like to add our MinimOSD to the system as well, however, per the manual they both want to be connected to the telem port. Can we simply add a splitter to both the Telem and OSD i.e. wires to both the telem air module and OSD join together and then are plugged into the telem?
Would we loose any connection strength or functionality from doing this?
Those who have run both, what did you do?
Thank you for your help!
-Trent & Nick
Yes you can use them at the same time. Just add a "splitter" or Y-Cable like here for the APM1 (The TX Port of the OSD is not conected to the APM just leave it, it just needs to get the data from the APM so the RX of the OSD must be connected to the TX of the APM same for ground and voltage):
And there is no restriction, telemtrie and OSD do work at the same time.