
  • Developer

    Hi Dan

    The 3DR tech support folks put me on to your concerns.  We do have a bit of confusion in the documentation.  We recently changed the units of radius from m to cm.  If you are flying 3.1.3 the units are in m.  If you are flying 3.2 trunk the units are in cm.  Because of the way the documents are automatically generated, they come from trunk / master, not the descriptions in the released code.  We don't often have problems with this but here is an occasion where we do have a problem. 

    I have updated the wiki to be more clear

    Sorry for the confusion.  

    You can see circle mode is working here

    • Besides the circle mode, One main problem I seem to have, Is once Getting 7 satellite's, it will still show PreArm: Bad GPC POS.  In the same field with both a DJI Phantom and A Turbo Ace Matrix, I get a satellite lock with in 30 to 40 seconds.
      The Y6 I can not arm it even after 5 minutes. What should I look for? 

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