Ok guys sorted the motor problem loaded the 2.4 version (thanks chris) but have a bad yaw prolem,
hexacopter swings round to the left i have to put full right stick in just to hold it, should i change the
Rate Yaw or Stabilise Yaw, increase or decrease sorry to ask these questions but when i understand the settings i will be ok, i.e does increasing the value swing it left or right?
Thanks all................
did you set your magnetometer declination in the setup?
Actually increasing the PIDs will not make it swing left or right in particular. Increasing the numbers will increase the engine's reaction to an incorrect yaw. Are you sure that you have all your propellers and engine's spinning the correct directions according to the wiki?
Also it would be good if you could check what the 'flight data' tab of the AP Mission Planner shows? I guess it's important to know whether the apm knows it's turning or not.
Do you have a magnetometer connected?
I guess you're fairly new but it would be good if you could capture some logs and attach them here so we can have a look.