As a newbie, I think having some LED along the arms would help with initial learning curve to allow for a better visual attitude of the copter. Can LEDs be added easily and if so, roughly how? Where would they get their power? Could they be programmed to actually work to indicate different functions? How would all this work? I know some RTF copters incorporate these, some more so than others, but wondering if a 3D Robotics copter would lend itself to adding LEDs?
And finally, if this is doable, if anyone knows of a source or two?
Hi Rob, led's definitely help with orientation and its really cool to take it out at night too. I used these ones (in various colors) from Hobbyking
They can be wired direct to 3 cell battery power (power dist board) without going through the flight controller and don't require diodes and such. You simply cut to length and solder wires on. Having them work to indicate different functions can be done but its not easy, I gave up on the idea and bought this