Any plans to make a smaller pixhawk mini?

Looking at the history of ardupilot

I'm a little worried about escalation in physical size over the years of this product when other FC are small in comparison, are there any plans to make a smaller pixhawk(mini).  My 3DR APM 2.6 barely fits in my TBS Disco and I have been thinking lately about upgrading to the pixhawk, but after seeing this link I am worried the pixhawk will be to big.  I wanted to use a 3DR iinside my LEGO drone but it was to big to fit inside so had to use an alternative FC.

Thanks, Ed,

Just wondering

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  • MR60

    Also, weight.  Before it's of use to a multi-copter, the copter needs to lift it first.  On a highly efficient copter, the penalty is about 1 minute of flight per 10 grams of weight.

    - the electronic components seem optimized, but

    - can the metal screws be replaced with lighter nylon screws?

    - can the circuit boards be lighter and still crash worthy?

    - can the circuit board be smaller (see Todd Hill post)?

    - can the buzzer be smaller (fortunately Pixhawk runs w/o it)?

    - can the housings be thinner or use a different concept (expendable foam or something) and still be 1-crash worthy (housings currently double the weight)?

    just some food for thought.  3DR products are amazing and well engineered.

  • Hi Edgar,

    Virtualrobotix FC seem small as well, and they run arducopter code. You could have a look at them.


    • oh man, that's nice, I have some applications that I need a smaller unit and this is exciting.

      I really hope to see it in the 3DR store soon with all the capabilities of my APM :-)

      Thanks, Ed,

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