Compass Calibration and Declination Values

I have my Compass Autodec = 0 and Compass Learn = 0.  From what I have read throughout the discussions, it is recommended to have them off at all times.  Is this correct?  Do I need to check my declination values each time I change locations, to be safe?  Also, how often do I need to do a "compass dance" to check the mag offsets? 

My current mag field and offsets are as follows:

mag field (no throttle) = 360

mag offset x = 12.49 

mag offset y = -18.013

mag offset z = -30.005


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  • Developer


         You're using 2.9.1b or 3.0.1?

         In any case, I think AutoDec should be 1 and Compass Learn should be 0.

         I only think you need to do the compass dance once unless you significantly change the position of metal objects on your frame.

         Those are nice mag field and offset values although the real problem normally comes when you fire up the motors and the mag-field changes.  In that case you need to move the APM up and away from the PDB or try using one of the new 3dr compass+gps units that I think are now available (or will be soon).

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