Yes once again it crash. this time very hard. was flying fpv was 600 meters or so out, on my back and i just flipped over and fell. nothing i could do. im slowly getting better at reading the logs. from what i see the back left motor had issues. this is a brand new motor i have all ready replaced since new. only other thing i can think is is the esc, what do you guys think? this time it broke the frame so im out of the sky till i can afford new parts. might just get 4 new escs and replace the ones in it now. im just at a loss to why it keeps falling out of the sky?
Question about the power module.. the current that it displays is that a total of the four motors combined. it normally sits around the 20amp mark, im happy with that as i have 30 amp esc in it. but it has a couple of big spikes that im not sure why.
I have also attached the flight before flew in almost the same way apart from the crash.
Help please
It does look like a mechanical failure as you say. I'd guess back right motor or esc was the problem. A positive roll = rolling right, positive pitch means backwards.
The voltage had gotten down to about 14V right at the end from a starting point of 16.5V. Don't know actually if that's related though. The current spikes at around 1925 but that corresponds with the throttle being raised to about 75% as well so looks reasonable. You have (had?) a nice and powerful copter there it appears.