CRASH! ...can anyone help me find out why?

I have been flying my 3DR Y6 regularly for over a month now without any problems.  I have recently started flying FPV, and during today's 3rd flight the Y6 suddenly dropped like a rock and landed upside down.  Smashed a propeller, dented a motor and squished my VTX antenna.

Battery seems fine and was still at 11.7 volts when I tested it afterward.

Of course, this was one of the few times I have flown without being connected to Mission Planner, so I have no TLOG file...

...I just grabbed the last .log file from the APM but am not sure what to do with it.  Does anyone know if the info in the .log file can help identify what went wrong?  It is attached just in case you wizards know how to read it.

Thanks for any input!  I hope to be back in the air by tomorrow, but I'll have trouble trusting this thing if I don't know what went wrong.

2013-10-16 14-27 117.log

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  • From what I see, it seems to be 'your mistake'.

    The log says clearly:

    1. You started with Loiter and ended in stabilize (manual control).
    2. It followed your commands perfectly until after the vertical fall (when in Stabilize)
    3. (Probably), you flipped the throttle stick down (by mistake), and the quad fell down vertically. This being, when in stabilize mode. This can be seen from the CTUN data from log (ThrIn Vs ThrOut). The quad followed the commands sent from the transmitter and followed it very well. Your control of throttle input stick seems very likely or the transmitter fail-safe was triggered when Txm' battery life ended (which I can't really see), so must be the former.

    I think you should stop worrying and fly again soon :)

    Always, start with Stabiize and move to other modes and not the other way around. When you start, make sure Transmitter switches are in correct position.

    "From the 100,000+ lines of beautiful compressed code written, accept bugs when it happens. If so report it, when reproduced. But with multiple revisions these bugs die (and new may come up). Logs are useful to help us identify the reasons of these anomalies! Keep them (some log options) enabled for every flight! "



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