Hi All, ( PixHawk QuadX FW 3.2.1 MP 1.3.35 )
(I hope this topic is in the right forum?)
Is there a Param / Value to adjust for the time it takes when one issue a Radio DisArm Cmd to when the motors actually stop spinning.
By observation I see this time ~3-4s
I would like to make the time shorter, if not shutdown immediate on DisArm Radio Cmd.
Thank you for your time.
I'm not sure that you can adjust this value but just read down the master parameter list.
Lite motor dampening would stop the props faster but I dont think that is what you are looking for.
What is your concern? I'm having trouble thinking of why this is important.
Hi Justin,
Thank you for your reply.
I started my rc flying experience with a play-grade quad. (v686g)
Due to my lack of flying experience I crashed often. Once crashed, I was able to immediately 'kill' the motors (down THR) via the radio, of course. ( Nowadays I am far better pilot with the toy! and in control of it !! :) )
I recently migrated to my actual target drone, Tarot 650 sport frame with pixhawk FC etc.
I acknowledge that I have only recently start using the 650/pixhawk and that my flying experience
in general is perhaps not good enough to take the jump to the larger quads and FC's, but I guess I have to take the migration path somewhere?
I only very recently start to fly with the 650-rig, in stabilized mode only. I had already some unfortunate hard 'bumps' on landing, one where the drone toppled over on landing. Evidently the motors were still spinning, the one side (2 motors) kicking the lawn, fortunately no damage. Here is what I would have liked that on Radio DisArm, the FC immediately shutdowns the motors. At this time, on DisArm, the motors continue to spin (hence my observation of 3-4s), then the FC shutdowns the motors. I was hoping in the pixhawk FC param-list there is adjustable variable to make this percieve 3-4s, lower to 'immediate motor shutdown' on DisArm or as 'fast' as possible. I scanned the param-tree and full list, but couldn't identify a param which I can adjust for this. Maybe an interim solution for me is to make the speed that the motors spin at, on THR down, much slower? Is there a min value to this?
Lastly, I realise that with improvement of my pilot skills this request would become mute, however, right now it would have helped me as 'novice' pilot with this rig. I am rather careful on my fly-attempts, but I am concerned that I could end-up with a lot of damage on the rig in the interim whilst 'learning' to fly with it.
Thanks anyhow for reading, I hope that you at least understand my question and my concern here.
All the best,
Cape Town, South Africa