Emergency Bailout

This is more targeted at the traditional heli setups but is there plans (or currently implemented) an emergency bailout feature like that of the helicommand or the recently released Align APS?

If not, is it technical difficulties or lack of testing (losing birds.. :\ ) or some other reason it hasn't been attempted yet?

What you guys are doing is awesome, I love your efforts.  I have been watching this space for a while now with intentions to get my birds running AP.  Just never got round to it but getting back into the sport.  I'm also a developer so would love to have input when I have the time and energy.

Cheers guys,


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  • Developer


         i think stabilize or alt hold is probably pretty close to an emergency bailout.  Stabilize with the sticks in the middle will return the helicopter to level although throttle will be manual so you'd have to do that part.  Alt hold would also control the altitude but if you didn't have it tuned properly it might not help too much.

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