Hello guys,
I am trying to calibrate the accelerometer in the FlyMaple using an ArduPilot v3.3 modified, unfortunately, it seems that I cannot do it. I tried to get the samples from the board and this is the results:
Level 0.11 -0.19 -8.88
Left 0.12 9.84 1.03
Right 0.1 -10.46 1.02
Down -10 -0.33 0.88
Up 10.26 -0.17 0.39
Back 0.33 -0.35 10.68
With these values, the iteration cannot be converging. I checked it with a small Matlab program using the algorithm of ArduPilot. Can it be there are something wrong with the accel, have you guys ever met this situation ?
In the worst case, can I just ignore the accel calibration and test the auto mode in the real model ? How bad can it be if I ignore this offset ?
You'll definitely need to complete the accel calibration somehow or inertial nav won't work properly.
I wonder if it's failing because it's not able to calculate the offsets and scaling or because the trim was too big. I suspect it's the trim in which case it may be that the ahrs-orientation isn't set correctly. If it's level on the desk and you plug in the mission planner, the HUD looks correct?
Yes, it looks good with the HUD. The AHRS_ORIENTATION is Yaw45 and the HUD responses exactly the way that I want it to.
Because I have no experience with other board, are the values ok ? I tried five times and the values were very close with those above.