I know the basic things like get best lightest battery and less body weight but 'not' including those I wanted to know if I could go "further" (over trees woods property) :)  

I want to get to a river at a park near me and film it.

I saw the video

"How is this guy getting this FPV range/ battery time?"

and noticed the guy had it pushed almost forward much of the time.

So if I make my waypoints speed WPNAC_ACCEL 100 to 200 cm/s/s, double, would I get more distance or just drain my batter more and be as the same place when my battery is at 50% battery?

Something tells me I will be further from watching that video, but not double,.

Basically I was wondering can I safely double the waypoint speed to get more distance?

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  • If you're hovering, you can use the entire battery while getting no distance at all, so obviously there is some variability to distance vs energy. The props benefit slightly from forward airspeed. However, power to overcome aerodynamic drag increases with the cube of velocity. So there is some ideal speed for a given vehicle at a given altitude (air density), if you're trying to maximize distance traveled. Also the props/motors are probably most efficient at a certain RPM... lots of variables.

    The presets are generally conservative values that are safe or "good enough". Try the higher speed and see what happens :)

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