Logs download, Auto, loiter, far away

it's been a while since I downloaded the logs of my flights via the CLI, but when I connect it provided me any logs in the download window. I have to type "Logs" and "a dump" to display the data, then copy it in those notepad recording with the extension. log and finally to "recreate kml".result in google earth is not a problem.you have a possible reason to not display the logs to download?

exemple :

 3690899240?profile=originalI have another problem with the auto and loiter modes. when I start the auto, quad turns in south direction and start an arc instead of going directly to the first waypoint. Loiter or RTL depending on quadcopter always starts to slide on the left corner and in the end, I must recover the quadcopter before it goes away too far, and i don't know if it will come back to his loiter point !!

loiter and Alt_hold seems to stay on the altitude write with APM Planner.

I don't understand, during the debriefing in Google Earth, GPS coordinates are accurate.

here's my parameters. my altitude hold was a lot "yo yo", it's better now, but not perfect.















i have reduced speed nav to 0.1 m/s,  because default was to 2 m/s and it's very crazy for begin... crazy limits !!

thanks for your help,

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