Using APM 2.6 & 3.01 firmware

Lost Signal with Tx, failsafe activated, then moved back to first waypoint, but I have it set to come "continue mission" and it did not.

I can tell I lost Tx signal to my Rx from my video because my landing gear came out as my failsafe is set to do, the hex then paused, backed up a little and then made a bee line to first way point and began the mission again.

Here are the logs: 2013-10-28%2021-56%2083.log

Here is the clip, you can see the gear come out then back in signaling a loss of signal to Tx

This is the second time it happened in this flight, this clip its already heading to WP1


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  • Developer


        Ok, we've seen this a couple of times and the issue is that you're probably using an FrSky receiver that forces you to set-up a failsafe in which all channels are moved to a specific position including the flight mode channel.  So what's happening is that when the tx/rx lose contact the flight mode channel is getting moved as well and that's getting through to the APM and causing it to switch to auto mode.

         This could be a bit bad because I think if you turn off your tx while in stabilize mode you might also find that it moves to auto mode.

         There's a fix to this issue coming in AC3.1 which should allow the APM/PX4/Pixhawk to ignore the flight mode change if it arrives at about the same time as the throttle channel is brought low.

         I'm sure you've seen the failsafe page on the wiki but here it is anyway just in case.

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